          ◎表弟Steven:洛杉磯來函: st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}◎表弟Steven洛杉磯來函: Hello ge ge: We followed the 澎湖民宿 news closely. It is sad to see so many people die. Are you all doing OK? I 關鍵字排名think government needs to have a warning system so people live in flooding zone need to evacuat 室內裝潢e when big storm hit. My family went to Florida for vacation in June. We saw very good evacuate infrastructure. Southern 部落格Florida is hit by hurricane all the time, and land is not much higher than sea level. Hope everyone is safe. 部落格 Steven 2009/8/17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 回函: Steven: 真羨慕你全家到 部落格佛羅里達度假,相信會是美好的回憶! 台灣人非得經歷這麼慘痛的代價才知道選錯人,實在令人扼腕! 這樣的無能總統,對於接下來的災後重建和即將侵襲的H1N1,不知他會如何應變?真令人擔心! 即使佛州的地理 好房網條件不佳,一個有愛國心、有行政效率的美國政府,他的人民是幸福的! 福爾摩沙國土病了 ! 請為台灣祈禱吧 ! 我們台灣人只能繼續努力倒馬自救救台灣了! 表哥 Justinrio 20090826st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable 澎湖民宿{font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 翻譯機網址: 辦公室出租=evacuate+infrastructure%0D% 0A +flooding+zone+%0D% 0A evacuate%0D% 0A hurricane%0D% 0A &src=en&dst=zh-TW&v=1.0 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 燒烤  .

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